School Uniform

Uniform is an extremely important part of our school. Please ensure your child/children are in full uniform at all times.

There is no requirement for your children to wear branded uniform.  Lots of supermarkets and high street shops stock The Avenue uniform colours. 

We also have a stock of pre-loved uniform in school.  Please contact Miss Bytheway for more information.

To read our affordable uniform pledge please read this document

Main Uniform Black or grey trousers, skirt or pinafore – No leggings, No jeans
White polo shirt or shirt
Blue jumper or cardigan (royal blue not navy)
Summer dress (blue check only) during the summer term
Knee length shorts only
Plain socks/tights – black, grey, blue or white – No over the knee socks
Waterproof coat – children will play out in all weather
FootwearBlack school shoes only
Wellies – children will play outside in all weather
Footwear not allowed – fashion boots or UGG style boots, knee high boots, trainers, platforms or heels
Nursery UniformWhite polo shirt
Blue jumper or cardigan with grey/black trousers/jogging bottoms
PE KitChildren come to school wearing their PE kit on PE days.

Pale blue polo shirt
Blue/black tracksuit
Navy blue zipped hooded top

The PE uniform is part of the uniform policy.  Fashion tracksuits and patterned clothing are not part of the uniform and should not be worn.

Jewellery, Hair and Make-upA small pair of studs may be worn.
All jewellery must be removed for P.E.
No make-up or nail varnish should be worn for school.
Hair accessories, bobbles, slides and bows should be in the school colours.
Personal belongingsThe children should not bring any toys or trinkets to school.  Pencil cases should not be brought to school.

Here is a link to the Community School Clothing Scheme. The website offers pre-owned school clothes which are free.

We recommend that children bring a spare pair of shoes to change into during playtime and lunchtime so school shoes are not scraped and scuffed.

If you have any questions related to uniform please phone school or pop into the office. We are happy to help.

Our uniform provider is Lollipops in Berwick Hills – 01642 225827

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