Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
All meat is halal except the pork sausages.
School Meals
The catering team have rebalanced the school menu from September, the menu is in line to meet the school food standards which has been set by the government. This menu has been created in collaboration with Middlesbrough Councils public health team.
How much is a Primary school meal?
The current price of a Primary school meal is £2.40 per day. School meals must be made through the School Gateway app.
My child needs a Special Diet, are you able to feed him/her?
Special diets can be catered for. Examples may include Diabetic, Coeliac and Low Fat diets. The Council now has a Peanut Allergy Policy in place. Please contact Elaine Thomas on 01642 728030 for more information.
In order for us to provide a child with special dietary requirements, however, we must have written confirmation from the Paediatric Dietician that the child is under. They then forward us the necessary medical dietary information to enable our cooks to provide your child with the appropriate meals.
Packed Lunches
Children may bring a packed lunch and a drink for their midday meal. Drinks should be brought in a plastic container or unbreakable plastic flask. Fizzy drinks, sweets or chocolate are not permitted and lunches should contain no nuts. Their lunch must be brought in a suitable lunch box, clearly labelled on the outside.
If you wish your child to change from school dinners to packed lunches then we ask for a half terms notice.
Free School Meals
We appreciate that your family circumstances may change over time. A change in your circumstances may mean that your child is eligible for Free School Meals. Please use the link below to apply. We would be grateful if you could apply even if you child is in reception, Y1 or Y2 and is already receiving a free school meal as this secures additional funding for school.
This service is confidential and quick to use. You will need the following information:
- Your name and DOB
- Contact Details
- National Insurance number
- Child’s name and DOB
- School name
If you have any issues completing the online form please contact the school office.