Year 5/6 Christmas Performance

Nunthorpe Methodist Church Connaught Road, Nunthorpe, Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Celebration at The Methodist Church (Dates are provisional and dependent on government guidelines) Ticket information will be sent home in a few weeks time. Unfortunately, it is likely that ticket numbers will be restricted to 2 per family. Thursday 16th December 10am – children to wear Christmas jumpers on this day.

Christmas Dinner

If your child normally has a packed lunch and would like a school lunch on this day, please let us know via email by Friday 26th November - Rec, Y1 and 2 – universal free lunch Y3, 4, 5 and 6 - a payment of £2.10 can be made through School Gateway. More information […]

Whole School ‘Express Yourself’ Day

This is a day for children to come in non-uniform to express themselves. Children will be completing wellbeing activities in class on this day. If you would like to make a donation, we are raising money for Schools in Mind. More information to follow closer to the time about making a donation.

Safer internet day Y1-6

The theme of the day is "All fun and games?" and will focus on being safe and kind when online. The children will be taking part in a series of educational and fun activities, aimed at keeping them safe when online.