To support the learning taking place in the classroom, all children have access to a range of online programmes which include Purple Mash, Spelling Shed as well as the homework grids and your child’s banded reading book.
Topic Homework
From nursery right up to year six, children are given a topic homework grid at the start of each half term. This contains home learning suggestions linked to their new topic. Children love engaging with these tasks and are well supported at home to produce amazing, models, artwork, presentations, writing and lots more, which are shared and celebrated with classmates during school time. Topic homework grids are shared on Class Dojo and on the school website for ease of access.
Children are expected to read at least four times a week at home. Home reads are recorded on a class chart with incentives available once milestones are hit (e.g. 50 home reads by Christmas). Children in EYFS and key stage 1 are sent home every night with a banded reading book (linked to their current reading level) and a ‘reading for pleasure’ text that they have selected. In key stage 2, children also take home a banded book each night and are asked to take on responsibility for their engagement with home reading.
In key stage 1 and key stage 2 children are given weekly spellings to take home and practise. These word lists are also set on Spelling Shed and link to either the child’s current phonics learning or statutory spellings rules / lists from the National Curriculum. Children in key stage 2 are tested on spellings the following week.
Times Tables
In key stage 2, children are given regular times tables homework as they aim to achieve a ‘Gold Award’ for each table by the end of year 4. Teachers share useful websites and strategies with the children to support them in their practise at home. Children may be tested as a class or individually when they feel ready to recite a times table by heart.
Homework is a really important part of learning and your support is very much appreciated.